Category Archives: Yorkshire

News relating to the Yorkshire section.

Yorkshire section August meeting

Greetings kittens, just a reminder.

the Yorkshire section August meeting is on the 9th at Ponden Mill cafe, Stanbury near Haworth.from 12.30

The cafe is opening specially for us but sadly there will be no hot food. The order of the day will be tea/coffee ,freshly baked scones and hopefully lots of crap to be talked.

i will be running a ride out to the meeting from the Brown Cow in Bingley BD162QX leaving at 10 am

come with full petrol tanks. There will be some light off road sections so be prepared. For this reason if you want to come on a sports bike please meet us at the cafe.

be there or be elsewhere


June 5-7 2015: The Yorkshire Coastal Camp

The Yorkshire Coastal Camp Friday 5th to Sunday 7th June 2015 at Bobby Bees Quirky Campsite in the rural village of Burton Fleming YO25 3TP. Just three miles from the sea (as the crow flies) and eight miles from Bridlington, Burton Fleming is one of many scenic villages connected by quiet country roads and rolling countryside.

Bobby Bees ( is a wonderfully eccentric campsite with chickens, turkeys, geese and rabbits etc wondering freely around the site and amongst the many curiosities. I expect we will again be camped near the large stone circle. Camp fires are allowed and wood can be purchased. Expect fees to be £7.50 PPPN. The village also boasts a very good cafe for breakfasts etc, post office the friendly Burton Arms ( which serves real ale, good food at weekends, and also offers B&B for those not wanting to camp. Day visitors also very welcome. Please note follow a map post code is not accurate in satnavs.

If further details are required please contact Mark Kenworthy 07813 636428 evenings, mzyorkshire [at] outlook [dot] com.