Author Archives: Graham Petruckevitch

The ongoing indicator drama

Hi all

So many thanks for all your advice on solving my daughters TS125 indicator problem. I tried LED 6 volt bulbs and relay. The indicators worked but the relay constantly clicked and the warning light in  the speedo didnt work.

Ive just tried a lower wattage 6 volt bulb but no real change. So the odd thing is the left side is almost civilised without looking like a crazed raver. The right side front  flashes much faster giving the appearance of a dimmer light.

Why is the right side flashing faster ?


Gearbox top up oddity

Hello again guys. So its a little odd but ive been topping up the gearbox oil on the ts125 on the left hand side. This is a big bolt close to the carb which I belive is a blanking bolt for the tacho drive.

When i tried to top up gearbox oil from right hand side which has a bung it just poured out the points side everywhere.  The odd thing is topping it up on the right hand side works. The oil stays there and all I get is a little drip from the smaller drain plug. The engine is an odd one I think.  The bike was made in 82 but not registered until 84 in the UK. There is no tacho drive in the engine  as I discovered after buying a tacho and cable !

The manual says to top up on the left for early models. I think the engine is an older ts125 so a cros

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s over time as it had no tacho originally.

Thoughts ?


TS125 Indicator question

Hi all


Well my daughter is loving the TS125 . So far so good and she’s got the knack of kicking it over etc. The one thing she is struggling with is the slow flash of the indicators.


It hasn’t failed an MOT but that has more to do with the guy looking amused when it comes in and not really knowing what to do !


So do they just flash slow and if so is there a relay upgrade which is 6 volt.


Cheers !


Graham Petruckevitch

MZ ts125 Forks oil change

Hi guys

The one last thing to do on my daughter’s MZ is fork oil. Now correct me if i am being stupid, but can I undo the bolt in the bottom of each leg which holds the damper rod in place. This would then allow me to pull the lower leg off to clean.

Then put the leg on push under pressure and do up the bolt. May sound odd but thays how ive been doing my 2001 Triumph bonneville fork oil replacement for years.

I dont mind looking silly so please enlighten me. Loving the  MZ by the way.



G. Petruckevitch