I have decided to clear out the bulk of my MZ spares and they are available free with three provisos. Firstly you have to collect, secondly you take it all no cherry picking, thirdly I don’t want to see the good bits appearing on eBay days later. I expect the new owner to have a genuine intention to use some of it on projects and where appropriate to pass it on for free to other MZ enthusiasts.
I have not sorted it into sensible piles to photograph yet but the pictures below give an idea of the quantity. There may be a bit more stuff available when it warms up enough to sort it out. Some of it is undoubtedly rubbish (kept o the usual excuse of it might be useful) but there is gold dust in there somewhere. There are no major parts like frames or complete engines, might be a couple of wheel when I dig that far.
If you are interested, call me for a chat. The bits are in Hilperton, Wilts about 10 miles from Bath. I know I will regret this because the day after they are gone I will find I needed one of those bits – but hey that’s life and not a good enough excuse to keep it all.
Peter 01225 763567 or starfield181 at gmail dot com