Author Archives: David Gillespie

2 MZ’s for sale

250cc Blue Supa 5, V reg 1980 with an ETZ disc brake fitted. The clutch release mechanism is off the bike but all the parts are there ready to be fitted back.

TS 125 1987, runner, complete with a new exhaust system.

Also an MZ workshop manual plus a waxed cotton jacket size 40. The seller would prefer to sell both bikes together as he wants his garage cleared so is asking for £300 total price.

Contact Rob 0151 493 1535 (Rainford, near St Helens) Evenings

MZ Side stand wanted

Does anyone have a spare MZ sidestand knocking about at home. I would prefer it to be unmodified and in reasonable condition ie not bent! Failing that has anyone got just the side stand bracket that they are willing to part with.

I can be contacted either by email or 0151 474 1877 ( evenings would be better).     Thanks Dave Gillespie

Hands on help required

I have just fitted a Vape/Powerdynamo generator/coil kit to my 301 Luxus MZ. It is all mounted and the wiring completed as per the instructions. However I am left with a spare red/black cable that comes from the ignition switch and was connected to the red cable that connected to the previous Vape/Powerdynamo coil. There is no mention of this red/black cable in the new kits instructions and as a result there is no obvious connection from the coil to the ignition switch.

I am pretty rubbish at electrical problem solving so I am looking for someone who could give me some practical help sorting out the bother. I am willing to transport my bike any reasonable distance from here in Liverpool to anyone who is a whizz at this sort of stuff.


Dave Gillespie

Bob Mortimer

I have the sad job of reporting that on Friday 19th of February 2021 the MZ Riders Club lost one of it’s nicest members. Bob Mortimer had been a club member in the NW England section for getting on for 40 years to my knowledge. He was really good company and quite a regular at a number of camping weekends through out the country. He was always ready to help and give advice to anyone who asked especially on electrical problems. He could however blind you with science if you let him! He was also a long time member of the Jawa Club and he continued to ride his bikes right up until a few years ago. He was always a regular on various sidecar outfits too. It is a great pity that we will not be able to attend his funeral because I know it would have been well supported.

It was an honour to have known him

Dave Gillespie

12 volt generator/ electronic ignition

Thinking of fitting a Power Dynamo / Vape 12volt generator and electronic ignition unit on my 1996 301 MZ. I have been having a number of charging problems lately and as my bike has done getting on for 150,000 miles now maybe the original generator system is getting a bit worn out. I would appreciate any advice about this idea, good or bad.


Dave Gillespie

Charging problems

The bane of my MZ riding life has returned. The charging light has started to glow when running on headlights, not very brightly but glowing never the less. My bike is a 1996 301 MZ and so far I have checked with a multimeter that the new battery is fully charged showing 12,9 volts with the ignition on, lights on, bike not running. The result was a very slow voltage drop. However with the engine running on a fast idle and the lights on the voltage is 11,8. With the lights off the meter shows 12.4 volts. The carbon brushes have plenty of meat on them (15,5 mm long both of them) and all the connections and wiring seem to be ok. I would appreciate some help as I am not too good when it comes to electrics. If anyone has any ideas could you can give  this electrical numpty some help but in a language that I can understand.


Dave Gillespie

1974 ES 250 Help wanted

I have received an message from a Jon Jackson of Lancaster who has just bought a 1974 ES 250. The engine has a rumble on the left hand side which more or less disappears when the clutch is pulled in. The seller said that it was the clutch bearing but Jon thinks it could be the main bearing. He is looking for someone, hopefully in the north of England who can rebuild the engine as he is hoping to do some European touring on it. Jon is not a club member at the moment but intends to join if he can sort out the engine. If anyone can help he can be contacted via me.               Thanks

Dave Gillespie

18″ and 16″ tyres

I need to buy two new tyres front and rear. Trying to decipher the rim size dimensions given by various websites is a bit confusing but I have managed to get the equivalents sorted I think. Hopefully they are as follows 2,75 x 18 = 80/90 – 18 or 3,10 – 18 and 3,25 x 16 = 100/90 – 16. Can anyone confirm these figures. Also has anyone fitted a 3,50 x 16 rear tyre and did they notice any difference?

Cheers   Dave Gillespie

M reg Skorpion for sale

An M reg dismantled Skorpion for sale in the Leyland, Lancashire area. The seller has stored this Skorpion in a dry condition for a friend who went to work abroad over 20 years ago but now wants to get rid of it. He has regularly turned over the engine and kept it well oiled. It will need to be registered but he says he will do it if required but he has been in contact with the DVLA and they have no problems concerning this bike. The seller is not looking for a lot of money  just wants it out from under his feet. John Radcliff can be contacted on 01772 463225 if anyone is interested.

1974 MZ to give away

Had an email from a Mike Smith regarding his fathers MZ. His father, Roy, lives in Aughton nr Ormskirk in Lancashire and has an MZ in his garage which he would like to give away to a good home, namely an MZ enthusiast.

Mike thinks it’s a 1974 TS250 4 speed model but with a Supa 5 engine fitted. The registration number is NED881M and it has a few modifications including a high level exhaust and an 18″ front wheel. The bike is a non runner at present and was last on the road about 1996. He cannot find the log book but maybe the DVLA can sort that out. If anyone is at all interested Mike would need them to pick up the bike from his fathers house.

Mike can be contacted on 07890 546831

Cheers  Dave Gillespieimage1_jpegimage2_jpeg


In a recent edition of Classic Motorcycle Mechanics there was a short piece about different ignition options for a older Japanese model that was being restored. Included in the article was a few lines about the  Powerdynamo company saying that the manufacturers had ‘ ceased production following some hostile online comments’. I could not find any reference to this statement on the company website so does anyone know anything about this situation.

Dave Gillespie

Douglas Thomas

Last night I received a phone call from Dorothy Thomas, the wife of Douglas Thomas, to say that Douglas had died quite suddenly a few days ago. Douglas was a club member from St Annes near Blackpool and regulary attended the meetings at Leyland. The funeral details are as follows, the service will take place at Lytham crematorium on the 27th June at 12 oclock. Dorothy says that anybody wishing to attend and want to arrive by motorbike will be more than welcome. Any further details please contact me on 0151 474 1877.  Cheers. Dave Gillespie.

LED rear light

I have a 1997 301 ETZ Luxus MZ with a square shaped rear light assembly. I would like to convert the  present standard rear light/stop light arrangement to an LED set-up. The bulb that is fitted at the moment hangs down from the holder but as far as I can find out LED lamps only point in one direction, in this case downwards. I would prefer to keep the present rear light assembly as standard and just fit an LED lamp. As you can no doubt tell I am not that well up when it comes to things electrical but I would like to try and improve on the present rear light arrangement. I have seen different rear LED fittings on MZ’s but I would like to keep it standard as I have said.


Dave Gillespie

Bing 84 , float heights

After giving the Bing carburettor a look over I wanted to make sure that the float was at the correct height. The Haynes manual says that it should be set at 22.5 mm, where is this measurement taken from? Looking at the joint face between the main body of the carb and the float bowl there is a recessed area that the gasket sits in and then 2 flanges each side, an inner and outer flange. as the inner flange is a different height from the outer one is the measurement taken from that flange or the outer flange. And as the carb is being held upside down when this measurement is being taken, do I assume that the total measurement is taken from what is now the top of the floats to the one of the flanges ?

Supa 5 bits for sale

TS 250/1 Supa 5 bits for sale, nothing pricey. Air filter box minus the chrome cover (blue). £5.00. Battery side cover (blue) with non original threaded knob anodised blue. £2.00. Both of these items will require cleaning up and re-spraying. A pair of lower fork legs. £5.00 the pair. 1 Top yoke with a lock but minus the keys. £2.50. Front spoked wheel complete with brake assembly  and hub cover. £15.00. 1 front hub and 1 rear hub. £4.00 each. All of these prices are plus postage.

Contact Dave Gillespie 0151 474 1877 e-mail.