TS250/1 for tall riders?

Forums Technical Two Stroke: Hints and Tips TS250/1 for tall riders?

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    • #13863
      James Suttie

      I’ll start by saying that I absolutely love my Supa 5, the engine characteristics in particular. For a 250 it’s remarkably torquey and quite tractable to ride – very easy to potter around the Devon lanes.
      The (big) problem I have is that it’s physically too small for me, I’m 6’4″ and just can’t really get comfortable for any distance.
      I really like how the bike looks, it’s currently completely standard apart from a top-box and I really wouldn’t want to change its utilitarian vibe too much.
      There must be other riders out there who have the same problem and I’d like to ask for ideas please.
      From my perspective, the seat is too low and the (straight) bars make it feel even more cramped. I don’t want to add apehangers or anything too extreme but I really need to do something to improve matters, especially as I get older!
      I despatched on an ETZ for a couple of years (did nearly 60k in the first year!) – I know they’re physically a bit bigger but I prefer the looks and riding characteristics of the TS250/1.
      I’d really appreciate hearing from other beanpoles who ride a Supa 5.

    • #13864
      James Suttie

      Also, can anybody tell me how much higher the high bars are than the standard flats?

    • #13865

      Hi James

      It’s straightforward to raise the seat, you just need some spacers and longer 8mm set screws. Experiment with bits of 2 x 2, or similar, with a 9/10mm hole drilled through them. When/if you arrive at a satisfactory size for the spacer then get it made in metal.
      Looking at the parts books the same handlebars were fitted to the TS 125/150 and the TS250. I have bikes with both handlebars and will measure them on Sunday and let you know. At a guess I would say that the grip area is a couple of inches higher and a couple of inches further out.
      The handlebar is a standard size so bars off other makes will fit, you will only need to drill and tap a hole for the “choke” lever.


      • #13866
        James Suttie

        Hi Brian and thanks for the reply. If you could find time to measure up the bars I’d really appreciate it.

    • #13867


      Time’s not the issue, it’s remembering.

      Anyway here’s my measurements and bear in mind that rotating the bars will change the dimensions a bit.
      All dims in mm and approximate

      Flat Bars:
      Width: 600mm
      Offset horizontally: 100mm – Straight edge across ends of bars and measured to the centre of the handlebar between the clamps.
      Offset Vertically: 25mm – The bars are essentially flat so measurement depends on your preference. I’ve not ridden this bike but all felt OK when sitting on it.

      Raised Bars:
      Width: 740mm
      Offset horizontally: 90mm – Straight edge across ends of bars and measured to the centre of the handlebar between the clamps. This can be increased/decreased by rotating the bars but will change the angle, both horizontally and vertically of the grips. Nothing a vise and some scaffolding pipe won’t resolve:) This is OK for me at 5′ 10″. This is less accurate than the measurement taken of the flat bars if you need a more accurate measurement just let me know.
      Offset Vertically: 100mm

      Anything else just ask.


      • #13868
        James Suttie

        Much appreciated Brian, I’m off out to the garage to do some measuring. I’ll let you know how I get on.

    • #13869
      John Gray

      I believe the original high bars are unobtainable. I ordered ts high bars and was sent etz bars drilled for the supa5. These are much lower, and were unsatisfactory.

    • #13872


      They look about right from the pic attached from the Factory parts book. Part No is correct too. But do check.

      MZ Handlebars



      One more thing you will need longer cables. I suggest you try what you have first and see what you can get away with.


      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Brian.
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Brian.
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Brian.
    • #13876
      John Gray

      I bought mine from themzshop too.

    • #14024
      Oz Connelly

      Well I put renthal bars on my supa 5 and used a generic brit bike choke lever to replace the mz one

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