Supa5 Float Jet

Forums Technical Two Stroke: Help needed Supa5 Float Jet

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    • #12976
      ‘AAA Dummy

      Have been looking at the float height as she never seems to flood on the choke/fuel enrichment device. Looking in the Haynes manual (yes, I’m sorry) it says you must have a 1.5mm fiber sealing washer under it. Well my carb hasn’t got one and she runs just fine without, cept for starting. So do I really need one cos If I fit one it will LOWER the level in the fuel enricher even more, I think.
      I dunno, I’m going for a lie down.

    • #13004
      ‘AAA Dummy

      As you were, worked it out myself by inadvertently leaving the fuel cock open overnight. Carb had leaked. Guess it had crept by the mating faces.
      Fit a sealing washer.

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