No Spark To Ignition Plug

Forums Site and Forum Issues Problems No Spark To Ignition Plug

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    • #6973

      Hi Ron here. I cant seem to get a spark to the plug. Could anyone help me with this?

      Thanks Ron

    • #6991
      Peter Fielding

      Hi Ron,

      Bit late responding to your plea – sorry been away. Before anyone can help you need to supply rather more information. Most importantly what bike are you working on and whether it still has its standard electrics (6v dynamo for the earlier bikes and 12v alternator for the ETZs).

      Secondly a bit more about the circumstances, has it suddenly failed or is a new to you bike you are trying to get running. Given a something to work with I am sure someone can help.



    • #7025

      Hi Peter,

      Sorry for late reply, my Dad doesn’t know how to use the PC properly and didn’t think he had any messages.

      It’s a MZ 125 12v system and we are not getting the spark to the plug, I have checked all the fuses and loose wires to no avail.

      This bike is new to me, but I do have experience working on other motorbikes.

      I will do a few more checks, but any help with be much appreciated.



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