Fitting Vape ignition

Forums Technical Two Stroke: Hints and Tips Fitting Vape ignition


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    • #12348
      Tim Hyde

      Hi, I’m fitting a vape ignition and the stator orientation doesn’t match the photo’s in the instructions.
      I’ve fitted mine as it came bolted to the back plate with the black coloured winding at the “4o’clock” position rather than the “12o’clock” position in the photo’s. is this a problem?

      Also, it’s the type with the pick up sensor mounted externally to the rotor and doesn’t seem to have timing adjustment, is this likely to be an issue?

      Ta for your consideration

    • #12367
      Peter Fielding

      Hi Tim,

      In 12 years I have fitted several Powerdynamo systems as they used to be called though they were always made by Vape. Both the older type with the external sensor and the new type where the sensor is internal. I have always fitted mine with the black ign coil at the top as shown in the instructions.

      Indeed I have just fitted a 2nd hand external sensor type where as delivered the black coil was at the bottom. I found it easy to turn it to the top position but you need to make sure none of the wires get trapped in the process. The unit is working fine even though there is no provision for timing adjustment. You do need to follow the instructions regarding which pair of fixing holes to use in the back plate.

      Some, possibly all the Vape units are designed to be used on twins of the Jawa/CZ type which require 2 sparks at 180 degrees per revolution and the rotors even when supplied as part of an MZ kit often had two pickups. I guess that gives a wasted spark. I don’t know whether the black coil needs to be in a different position if fitted to other makes. But for MZs mine have always worked with the black coil and the external sensor at the top.

      Hope that helps.


    • #12369
      Tim Hyde

      Cheers, I’ve fitted the rotor now so I’ve ordered a puller to take it back off and double check routing of the wiring. I’ll see if it’s happy going back in with the black coil uppermost.
      On rereading the instructions it says that I may have to weaken the mixture through adjusting the throttle so standard position is possibly slightly retarded for a margin of safety?
      Thanks for your advice Peter

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