ETZ251 Electronic Revcounter / Tacho

Forums Technical Two Stroke: Help needed ETZ251 Electronic Revcounter / Tacho

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    • #10627
      Nick Atkinson

      Hi all, I’m hoping there is someone can help with the electronic tacho not working.
      I currently suspect the issue is the sender as I’ve been having a check with the multimeter.

      There are three wires:
      Brown – earth
      Black – ignition off – continuity to earth
      – ignition on – shows 1.4 volts
      – bike running – shows 13.5 volts
      Green – no reading off/on/running.

      On the tacho itself, with the multimetre on the 2000 kohm scale, it reads 26 between the earth pin and the centre pin which would be the green connection when plugged back together.

      Does this sound like the sender and how to I check / change it if it is as the manuals don’t say anything at all?

      Thanks in advance.

    • #10682
      Nick Atkinson

      Just in case anyone ever has the same problem, I’ve now sorted it. The green (signal) wire doesn’t connect to the coil for a signal but instead goes to the rectifier under the seat. Once it was reconnected the tacho works fine, although judging by the amount of grime on the terminal it had been off some time, which is why I missed it when I first looked.


    • #10750
      Keith Angus

      I’m not clear whether you are running a Saxon, but on those the green wire comes from one output of the alternator, so this feed AC to the tacho. Since the frequency depends on the engine speed, that’s all you need.

      I know when I first looked at the Saxon wiring, long ago when i got my first one, I found the tacho arrangements confusing, but they are actually quite simple – at least in wiring terms.

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