ES 125/1 suspension damping

Forums Technical Two Stroke: Help needed ES 125/1 suspension damping

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    • #7855
      Derek Reynolds

      New to MZ, though a life-long rider, I have just purchased a ’71 ES 125/1. I have a manual on the way to me, but was wondering if any folk here can advise on the damping characteristics of the suspension units. Mine are very ‘springy’ with little or no damping effect. Is this the norm, are they strippable – can the damping be resuscitated, or is it new units please?

      Derek, Shropshire.

    • #7856
      Membership Man

      Hi Derek,

      Welcome to the madhouse. They should provide damping. Assuming you still have original MZ shocks then both front and rear are very easy to strip if you have the correct tool or can make one up. First you need to compress the spring to remove the collets; the spring, cover etc then just pull of. The top of the damper unit is a threaded (RH) collar and once undone the innards pull out. The collar has two slots for the tool to engage, at a pinch and with care you can use a pin punch. Your manual will show the tool if you want to make one.

      You may get away with simply refilling with fluid (about 70cc), more likely you will need to replace the top seal which is a standard size and can be purchased from any bearing stockist. Cannot remember the exact size its something like 15x10x7 but you can measure it easily enough when you have it stripped.

      best of luck


      PS: The rear is normally adjustable for preload and its common for the adjuster to seize. Heat, lubricant and patience are required but they can usually be saved. Don’t try using too much force on the alloy handle it will break very easily.

    • #7858
      Derek Reynolds

      Thanks for the prompt reply Peter. The rears are free and the pre-load levers turn easily, so good signs there. She has been a non-starter too, but investigation of the carb found the ‘rubber’ choke grommet damaged, and the central brass main jet holder hanging on by its last thread! New acquisitions are such fun! Parts are winging their way towards me as is the manual.

      LUCK – an acronym for Labouring Under Certain Knowledge – Thank you for yours. .
      Never much of a socialiser, more a fettler, exchanger of information, and rider. Haven’t done enough of the latter since retirement.

      Best – Derek

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