Any info on getting an etz 250 to produce more low end torque

Forums Technical Two Stroke: Help needed Any info on getting an etz 250 to produce more low end torque

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    • #3750
      Andy Bury

      I like my etz 250 for its brakes/ handling / oil pump etc but not the low end torque produced . Are there any mods / alterations thatcan be made to improve these engines ?

    • #3757
      Brian Thurlow

      Having had 3 Wilf Green 300 etz’s, the one’s that pulled like steam engines but no top end had wide squish bands 2mm+, once set to standard 1mm they ran like the 250 but with more power.

      Next time you have the head off try fitting extra head gasket’s to lower the compression, you never know it may work on the 250 also.

    • #3774
      Andy Bury

      Thanks for this Brian , this sounds like an interesting and feasable solution and worth a try sometime .Did you set the ignition timing as per “The Book” as well ?

    • #3862
      ‘AAA Dummy

      Buy a supa 5.

      • #3886
        Andy Bury

        Thanks Tony……………..I already did that and found the difference to my likeing …………As said possibly the best MZ model?

    • #3997

      hi Tony,

      I am a new boy to riding an MZ having just finished reviving a 1978 TS250/1. What I am amazed at is the amount of low down torque available. My bike seems to do everything at 2750 – 3500 revs. What a change from my dohc single 250 Honda which really chimes in at 7500 revs. Funnily enough I think the torque figures are very similar but the Honda has 31 bhp as opposed to the 21 of the MZ. torque is the thing for a good life.

      Steve Hodgson (NE)

      • #4037

        I am currently building an MZ ETZ250 trail bike as presently doing the cycle parts. However the lack of torque when used as a trail bike has to be faced. A chap came around yesterday, and by chance he’d owned a number of MZs. He said simply fit a larger rear sprocket but whilst that would alter the gearing, the lack of torque would still be there. I’d be interested to hear from others who have solved this. a 1mm head gasket perhaps?

      • #4070

        This link probably won’t take you to the page I intended (still getting used to a new laptop) so look for the MZ Increasing Torque page in the RealClassic index. (deafening silence here from 800 members).

        And of course the damned thing won’t include the link I wanted. Google ‘Real Classic Magazine’ and go to their index of road tests, etc.

    • #4080

      To make it pull better from lower revs and give it quiker pick up I put a gearbox sprocket with 1 less tooth on than standard, this works quite well, at cost of a little top speed, but it will hold higher speeds better to.I done this on an etz 250,and 251, to same effect, at minimal cost.Ruud.

      • #4084

        Thank you, Ruud. Increasing the capacity to 300cc seems another option.

    • #3775
      Brian Thurlow

      Yes Andy, everything set as per The Book, only difference was the large squish.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Brian Thurlow.
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