Author Archives: David Harrington

About David Harrington

Retired Electrical Draughtsman, 60s, MZ ETZ250 & MZ ETZ251 - Continental Touring, with my wife as pillion, on a Triumph Tiger 800ABS (France, Belgium, Spain & Portugal, mainly). Member of U3A, RBLRB and WFA.

1991 ETZ 251 For Sale

1991 ETZ 251 – 21,000 miles. I bought this machine around 15 years ago to restore and ride but my ETZ 250 has taken precedence. I am looking for around £300. It is mostly blue and pretty tatty. I can take some photos and send a list of new spare parts that I have for my proposed rebuild (can haggle over prices – everything is negotiable!) Please feel free to contact me for more details. It has been on SORN for a few years and has the new V5W Log Book (Welsh one!) Contact  by email preferred – Newport in South East Wales – just off M4 Junction 26.