Reply To: 12v Battery for TS250/1 Supa 5

Forums Technical Two Stroke: Help needed 12v Battery for TS250/1 Supa 5 Reply To: 12v Battery for TS250/1 Supa 5

Ollie Harris

I expect your current 6v battery is a 6n11a.
A YB5L is the same dimensions, but 12v.

A YB5L will fit, however is a fairly low capacity battery at 5Ah (compared to the original 11Ah). Shouldnt be a problem, as the vape kicks out much more electrical power compared to the original dynamo, and the ignition is self generating.

The 250 has a good amount of room in the battery box, so if you take some dimensions you should be able to fit a larger battery. The Tayna website isnt bad for selecting a battery based on dimensions – (note that the link is for “Yuasa” brand batteries. I’m not saying Yuasa is the brand to get, but it’s useful for getting the battery code. To be fair, all brands seem equally rubbish nowadays)