Joining or Renewing Online: Step 2 of 3

Thank you for choosing to join or renew your membership online. Please complete the following form, and then you will be directed to Paypal to make your payment.

Important small print:

I understand that members’ contact details are kept on a computerised database in the sole care of MZRC’s Membership Secretary, the Data controller for purposes of the Data Protection Act, under which MZRC is registered with the Data Commissioner. They are available to MZRC’s National Officers and Section Representatives, but will not be released to other MZRC members or organisations outside MZRC. Lists of new members and areas are occasionally printed in ‘MZ Rider’. By submitting this form, I agree to all of this and to abide by MZRC’s Rules.

  1. (required)
  2. (required)
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  9. (valid email required)