wiring help needed

Forums Technical Two Stroke: Help needed wiring help needed

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    • #8220

      <>Hi I am nearing the end of the restoration of a 1992 ETZ 251, and need some advice about the electrics, I have posted on the club Facebook page a picture of the rectifier fitted to my bike.
      Could anybody please tell me what wires attach to the two connections on the side, I know that lower one is the brown earth wire, but I cannot remember if another wire attached to the top one – it is marked D+ I know that the D- terminal is to earth, even better would be if you had a picture of what yours looked like. …….Thank you for your time and help.

    • #8224
      ‘AAA Dummy


      Have a look at the wiring diagram on the page below.


      If I am reading it right the D+ on the regulator goes to the D+ on the rectifier with a red and yellow wire.

      Hope this helps.


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