Reply To: Hello – New TS250/1 owner – sticking clutch

Forums Technical Two Stroke: Help needed Hello – New TS250/1 owner – sticking clutch Reply To: Hello – New TS250/1 owner – sticking clutch


Hello and thank you Nigel & Bill
The Bike went today to CMS in Plympton nr Plymouth.The guy there is called Mark,I have used him before(for different bikes).I spoke with him about the clutch issues and he told me that he rode a et250 MZ for years,although he hasn’t worked on one for quite sometime.
I’m commited now to let him have a look and the bike needs an MOT,so would have had to go at some point.
I think what I will do is to put a limit of how much I will spend,which is pretty easy because I don’t have much.Hopefully he can free the clutch and MOT the bike within my budget.
Once I get the bike back,then I can look at sorting out any other issues,I know the tank needs cleaning inside for example,probable carb clean,air filter plug etc.
I am genuinely moved by your support and I will contact you Nigel on the number you have given,at the moment I am working nightshifts,so my hours are quite unsociable.Is there a good time for you?
I seem to remember reading that there was a meet at Lostwithial every month,if so when the bikes up and roadworthy I will ride down.
Thank you again I feel that I have not started well with my MZ in as much as I want to do the work on her and it costs a whole lot less,but your support has made me more determined to address the next projects myself.